The Dingle Peninsula has a unique and complex history. A lot of damage was inflicted on the Peninsula during the course of the Second Desmond Rebellion, the Nine Years War and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Its remoteness and isolation may have protected it from the worst excesses of the Williamite War and the 1798 Rebellion. It is one of the places in Kerry thas has experienced the highest level of emigration over the past three hundred years. It was particularly devestated during the Famine, with up to 5000 people dying in the Dingle Workhouse alone. The Kerry Examiner of 8 February 1847, records ‘The state of the people in Dingle is horrifying. Fever, famine and dysentery are daily increasing, deaths from hunger daily occurring. From all parts of the country, they crowd into the town for relief and not a pound of meal is to be had in the wretched town for any price’. Thankfully all these wars and famines are behind us and the Dingle Peninsula has survived.
This year, the year of The Gathering, the people of the Dingle Peninsula are taking the opportunity to welcome back our diaspora from all over the world sos that they too might experience The Corca Dhuibhne Penisula, the Gaeltacht, the friendliness of our people, the goodness of our food and the wealth of our culture, language and heritage. Corca Dhuibhne – one of the most beautiful places on earth. 23rd May to 30th May 2013.