Kerry Registration Districts can be the cause of a lot of confusion. Hopefully this will help.
Prior to 1864, we are reliant on Baptismal records (where available) to trace County Kerry Ancestors. From 1864 onwards the Poor Law Unions became known as Superintendent Registrar’s Districts. This was in order to put in place and keep a Civil Record of births, marriages and deaths. These newly called Superintendent Registrar’s Districts in Kerry were in
Cahirciveen, Dingle, Glin (for Kilnaughtin & part Murhur townlands), Kenmare, Killarney, Listowel, Tralee.
It is under these Registration Districts above that your ancestor’s Civil Registrations will be found. Below is a map and listing of our Kerry townlands which will help you decide which Registration District you should look for:
Thanks to John Willoughby http://
1. Aghadoe, 2. Aghavallen, 3. Aglish, 4. Annagh, 5. Ardfert, 6. Ballincuslane, 7. Ballinvoher, 8. Ballyconry, 9. Ballyduff, 10. Ballyheige, 11. Ballymacelligott 12. Ballynacourty, 13. Ballynahaglish, 14. Ballyseedy, 15. Brosna, 16. Caher, 17. Castleisland, 18. Cloghane,19. Clogherbrien, 20. Currans, 21. Dingle, 22. Dromod, 23. Duagh, 24. Dunquin, 25. Dunurlin, 26. Dysert, 27. Fenit, 28. Finuge, 29. Galey, 30. Garfinny, 31. Glanbehy, 32. Kenmare, 33. Kilbonane, 34. Kilcaragh, 35. Kilcaskan, 36. Kilcolman, 37. Kilconly, 38. Kilcredane, 39. Kilcrohane, 40. Kilcummin, 41. Kildrum, 42. Kilfeighny, 43. Kilflyn, 44. Kilgarrylander, 45. Kilgarvan, 46. Kilgobban, 47. Killaha, 48. Killahan, 49. Killarney, 50. Killeentierna, 51. Killehenny, 52. Killemlagh, 53. Killinane, 54. Killiney, 55. Killorglin, 56. Killury, 57. Kilmalkedar, 58. Kilmoyly, 59. Kilnanare, 60. Kilnaughtin, 61. Kilquane, 62. Kilshenane, 63. Kiltallagh, 64. Kiltomy, 65. Kinard, 66. Knocknane, 67. Knockanure, 68. Lisselton, 69. Listowel, 70. Marhin, 71. Minard, 72. Molahiffe, 73. Murher, 74. Nohaval, 75. Nohavaldaly, 76. O’Brennan, 77. O’Dorney, 78. Prior, 79. Ratass, 80. Rattoo, 81. Stradbally, 82. Templenoe, 83. Tralee, 84. Tuosist, 85. Valencia,86. Ventry.
Registration #5576187
Birth Certificate – Issues in pursuance of the Civil Registration Act 2004
Birth Registered in the district of Valencia
– in the Superintendent Registrar’s District of Caherciveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Thank you for your assistance
Margaret Devane-#207, 3 Broadway Avenue, Toronto, ON M4P 1T7 CANADA
Thanking you in advance for your assistance
Margaret, I am not really sure what you are trying to track down. Is it a a copy of Birth Certificate from someone born in Valentia? Email me if you wish with name of the person and date of birth and I can check.
Hi is their someone I can hire to do my family history for me?
I will contact you shortly by email on this query. Kay C
I am having a devil of a time trying to verify the exact date of my grandfather’s birth. I have years 1862, 1864, 1865, 1869 depending the source. I am thinking I now have narrowed it down to 1864 but I want to make sure it is him before I go any further. His name was Thomas Patrick Goggin. His father’s name was William Goggin and his mother’s name was Mary Fitzpatrick. I am hoping to get a copy of his birth registration. We were always told he was born in Caherciveen. I have learned that he was probably from Ballinskelligs. Where do I go from here and how costly would it be.
Carole, this is a difficult one for a number of reasons. Firstly no Irish person knew (or cared) about their exact dates of birth. It was just that it was of no significance to them. they weren’t being devious when they gave different ages on each census in the country they emigrated to. Secondly your grandfather’s would have had just one name – either William or Patrick they only took on the second christian name when they discovered it was the norm in U.S. for instance. Thirdly the church registers for Cahirciveen and Ballinaskelligs are a bit ‘scrappy’ and Civil Registration did not begin until 1864. I will email you separately with some suggestions.
Carole, could you email me please at I have replied to your email address but it has ‘bounced’ twice. Kay
Carole, could you email me please at I have replied to your email address but it has ‘bounced’ twice. Kay
Hi Kay I am trying to do my family tree and would like to know where I can get information from early 1800s. All my grandparents and great grand parents were born in Kerry but that is as far back as I can go. They were born in Kells, Cahirciveen and Caherdaniel. I have gone through the church records in Cahirciveen and Caherdaniel but the early records are very hard to follow. I know one of my great grand fathers was a tenant of Daniel O Connell in Killinane kells. Any help you could give me would be great.
Noreen, unfortunately the baptismal records from Cahirciveen have not survived prior to 1846 so it is not possible to positively identify families before that date. Caherdaniel starts from 1831 – again no joy here on earlier baptisms.
Hi, can you give me some advice on how to fix the clerical error on my birth certificate. My forename is misspelt. My forename is Aisling and on my birth cert it spells “Ashling” and I’ve grown up knowing my name as Aisling and I really want to change it to how I spell it, “Aisling”. As you can see it’s still the same name but I hate how it’s currently spelt. It is a legal document and it needs to be corrected. I can’t apply for anything that I intend to apply for, such as; my passport, driving license. Advice would be really appreciated, Thank you.
Aislin, i don’t really know what you can do about this. Very little probably unless you were willing to go to a Solicitor and get it changed by Deed Poll. I have something similar myself – called Catherine on my birth certificate but never actually called anything only ‘Kay’. Now I get into trouble with Ryanair and have to put my name down as Catherine Kay Caball.
I have a relative who was placed in foster care at 5 months old.Her name was Sarah Beetley who was born in Traleee Kerry Ireland on 27 Oct 1932.Her married name is now Conroy.She has not been able to find her birth certificate or know who her real parents are.Any idea where we can start to figure out who her real parents are? I was a hit on her DNA
DanielI would need some more information in order to give you accurate advice. Could you email me( as much detail as you have on Sarah ‘Beetley’. The spelling on that surname must be incorrect – there is no such Irish surname. What I would really need to know is where the date 27 Oct 1932 came from, how does Sarah know it is ‘Tralee’ & if she has the name of the foster parent family. I will get bzck to you then , giving you detaiks of best way to go. Kay
Sarah Beetley is myaunt(fostered).She was fostered by my grandparents when she was a baby.She has had a lot of problems trying to find out anything about her birth family. If Daniel is a relative , she would be so happy to hear from him. She has recently, after searching for decades, found out who her mother was. Meeting some relatives would make her so happy.
Apologies – have I lost something? I don’t know which Daniel you refer to. You might let me have full details to my email account.
I am the family historian. I found my grandmother’s passport information on the internet. She noted her birthplace as Beaufort Ireland. her birthdate was listed as 10 March 1886. She returned to Ireland in 1922 to check on relatives.
However, I cannot find her information in the civil or church records listed on Irish Genealogy I.E.
Any tips? Her name was Josephine O’Connor and she left Ireland around 1900 and died in the US in 1924. I am trying to trace her footprints and hope to visit Kerry next year.
Sr. Cathy, thank you for your enquiry. You would need a bit more information here to positively identify Josephine O’Connor. Would you have her father’s name? did she marry when she emigrated? If so a marriage certifcate is the place to start. Her father’s name (and perhaps her mother’s) shoudl be noted on that. It is unusual to have a name ‘Josephine’ in 1886, so this may not be the name she was christened or registered with. Also as you probably know, no Irish person knew their correct year or indeed date of birth, or had no interest. Just when they emigrated they were asked these dates and they mostly just guessed. As a result you will find wildly differing dates on different census records. If you get the father’s name, please come back to me. Kay
Greetings from across the pond!
I am amiss as to where to find the marriage of John Connor and Mary Sullivan both of Killarney. First child Bridget born in 1818.
The previous generation John and Elizabeth Ferris were married in 1792 again in Killarney. Thus John would have been born circa 1779-1783. I cannot find his or Elizabeth’s RC baptismal records.
Are they to be found?
Be delighted if you could point me in the right direction.!
Nathalie, thank your for your comment. The records that you are looking for too early and in most cases never existed. Before we start on any genealogical search in Ireland prior to the 1901 Census , we must take into account that Irish people in the 19th Century and before, were not very cognisant of their correct birth dates. As a result, when asked on immigration for years of birth, the immigrant guessed a year and a date (often 17th March or 25th December!). Thus the differing dates on each U.S. census – they just forgot from one census to the next.
There is also the problem that as a result of the general religious restrictions and the Penal Laws from the late 16th century to the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829, it was difficult and dangerous for priests to keep and/or maintain records. As a result only a small number of parish registers survive of baptisms and marriages before 1820. The urban parishes of Tralee, Killarney and Listowel have the earlier records – some from 1792 and others not available until after 1870.
As Killarney is one of the better ones, I can find baptisms of children of John Connor and Elizabeth Ferris – Deborah 1794, Thomas 1796, Elizabeth 1798, Eugene 1801, Elizabeth 1804 (we would presume that the Elizabeth b. 1798 died – this was normal practice), Mary 1805, Thomas 1809, Thomas 1810 (same story), Mary Ann 1813. Their marriage is not recorded in any Kerry parish, I would assume from this that Elizabeth Ferris was a native of an outlying parish, where they would have been married and where records for pre 1794 do not exist. Kay
I found that my 3rd grandparents are from Muckenagh Kiltomy County Kerry !!!!
Their names are John & Johanna Kelleher.
John Kelleher was born in 1831 in Ireland.
Johanna (Kelleher) CORCORAN born in 1820 in Ireland.
Their one daughter Bridget was my 2nd great grandmother born Lixnaw, Kerry, Ireland
When Bridget KELLEHER was born in December 1857 in Ireland, her father, John, was 37, and her mother, Johanna, was 26. She married Muarice “Morris” DEE She died on March 8, 1937, in Homestead, Pennsylvania, at the age of 79.
When Leo Paul Dee (my grandmothers father) was born on December 12, 1896, in Pennsylvania, his father, Muarice, was 42 and his mother, Bridget, was 39. He married Marie Barret on July 1, 1920, in Brooke, West Virginia. They had three children (one my grandmother Kathleen Dee Iverson) during their marriage. He died on September 22, 1959, in Homestead, Pennsylvania, at the age of 62.
When Kathleen Dee Iverson was born on August 8, 1921, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, her father, Leo, was 24, and her mother, Marie, was 24. She had three daughters (their oldest/my mom Kathleen Marie Iverson ) with William E Iverson. She died on December 15, 2002, in her hometown at the age of 81.
Colleen, you have completed great research here and well documented. If you click here you can see all the details and map of the townland of Muckenagh in the Civil Parish of Kiltomy. I am currently co-writing a book on The Fall of the Fitzmaurices, which tells the tale of the Lords of Kerry, Barons of Lixnaw who were the most powerful family in Kerry from 1200 to 1750.
Hi Colleen! I just came across this site today! Bridget Kelleher is my 2nd great aunt. Her sister Katherine Kelleher is my great grandmother. She came over with Bridget and another sister. I’m on ancestry and would love to connect with you. I’m listed as Costello Family Tree. I have a couple photos of Katherine Kelleher but none of her sisters. How nice to find this site:)
Colleen! My father is Leo Paul Dee Jr. Kathleen was his sister and my aunt. I have always heard that Marie Barrett Dee died young when my father was 5. I’d love to connect with you.