An adventurous and exciting re-enactment of one of the great achievements of Tom Crean and his companions on the Endurance Expedition will take place in Kenmare this coming Saturday 9th April at 12.30pm
Following in the footsteps of Tom Crean, his grand daughter Aileen Crean O’Brien, together with her two sons Cian and Morgan and her partner Bill Sheppard will form the adventurous Team Tom Crean and will be undertaking the South Georgia Traverse in September/October 2016
On Saturday 9th April, as part of the Team Tom Crean training programme, the team will haul their supplies on a sleigh from Killarney to Kenmare and arrive at Tom Crean Fish & Wine Restaurant at 12.30pm. Be in Kenmare to welcome them and celebrate the achievements of the great Tom Crean.
The time for the launch has been chosen by Aileen and the family as it commemorates exactly 100 years to the hour when three lifeboats; James Caird, Dudley Docker & Stancomb Wills were launched from drifting ice flows into the open seas. The three lifeboats, carrying Shackleton, Crean, Worsley and 25 other men, were their only means and hope of survival during the Endurance Expedition.
The 2016 South Georgia Traverse will begin on September 20th 2016 when the intrepid Team Tom Crean leave Ireland and fly via Madrid to Santiago in Chile. There, they will catch the one flight per week to Port Stanley in The Falkland Islands arriving on September 24th 2016.
At Port Stanley they will rendezvous with the skipper of the boat Pelagic and sail down across the Southern Ocean to South Georgia – approximately 800 miles. After several days of acclimatising to the weather conditions on South Georgia the team will meet their mountain leaders Stephen Venables and Crag Jones. Team Tom Crean then begin the South Georgia Traverse, ski touring across the island, across Crean Glacier, to meet up with Pelagic for the return trip. Then, against ‘a foul wind’ sail back up to the Falkland Islands to catch flights home to Ireland on 29th October 2016.
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