A great new resource from Jim Ryan of Fyleaf Press.

MKA Blog Jim Ryan‘This lists 100+ tenants of the Earl of Kerry, together with the property (all appear to be townland names) and the rent due on 29th of September 1755. The high rents suggest that the vast majority of the tenants are gentry, or perhaps ‘middlemen’ who sublet the property to smaller tenants. The document is a single page with six columns: 3 per tenant. The townlands that I have been able to identify are all in the Barony of Clanmaurice, and in the PLU of Listowel, Co. Kerry. The original is in the National Archives of Ireland: ref NAI M 2353’.


Tenement/ Tenants name/ yearly rent (£.s.d.)

Deal & Kilconolo / Jo. Fitzmaurice Esq / 99.0.0
Farren Peirse / Ex Richd. Birch / 30.0.0
Drummin / Ex. Dd. Gun / 28.0.0
Ballybonion / Frs. Creagh / 41.0.0
Kieleheny / Ex. Jno. Dee / 18.0.0
Ballyeagh / Ex. Lt. Jno Miller / 40.0.0
Ballyeagh Warren / Patt Crowly / 12.0.0
Cashion Ferry / Wm. Keady (Ready?) / 8.0.0
Balingown & Kilamiro / Edm. Lina… / 25.0.0
Kiltean & Kilarada / Ex. Capt. Gregory / 66.0.0
Lebanos? / Jas. Raymond / 37.0.0
Balyegan / Ex of Jas. Raymond / 27.0.0
Balydonogue / Ex of Geo. Gun / 32.0.0
Coolkeragh / Ex of Alex Elliott / 81.0.0
Shaun…ta / Ex Chr. Julian / 8.0.0
Tullamore & Tullabeg / do. / 85.0.0
Pullagh / Earl of Shelburne / 8.0.0
Aghahotrish / Ex of Rd. Peirse / 20.0.0
Gortacrussane / Dd. Stott? / 40.00
Drommurrin / Thos. Buttler / 41.0.0
Listowhile / Ex of Jas. Julian / 110.0.0
Gortshanavoa / Ex of Thos Collins / 15.0.0
Coolevana / Jas. Raymond / 15.0.0
N. Div. Ilaneaneev / Robt. Kittson / 10.0.0
…/ Jon. Kittson / 91.0.0
Dromligat / Michl. Scanlan & Exec.
Of Patt Furnel?? / 302.0.0
Culeanilig Cregan / Denis Mahony / 81.0.0

Left edge of page missing for next 6 entries

…Woodland / Earl of Shelburne / 30.0.0
..legan / Andw.Sheahan / 90.0.0
..kanebrack / Thos. Quile / 31.10.0
…onogan / Jas. White / 19.10.0
…indaff / Ex of Rd. H…ddy / 51.0.0
..ineirugh / Ex. Wm. Hi…ric / 100.0.0
Inchmaguleragh / Jno.Quilter / 12.0.0
Two Knockagowls / Dd. Stitt / 53.0.0
Two Knockinunanes / Kerry Weir / 51.0.0
East Billeragh / Robt. Purcell / 21.10.0
West Billeragh / Geo. Birch / 33.0.0
Upper Cooln…line / Ulisses Fitzmaurice / 18.10.0
Lower co. / Thomas Purcell / 30.10.0
Two Ballydoohig / Wm Raymond Esq / 47.0.0
T…hand / Jno. Fitzmaurice / 18.0.0
Dromelagh / Joseph Huddy? / 47.0.0
Rathlea / John Coggan / 81.0.0
Banemore & Ballygarrett / Richd. Collins / 61.0.0
Island Bromadara / Ex. Le. Kerry Lyn / 10.0.0
Lyeracroompana / Darby Carty / 20.0.0
Gortaclogane / Ex. Thos. Halloran / 30.0.0
Pullin ?? / Exx. Thos Hanninan / 30.0.0
…duglassey / Dd. Ollif & … Twiss / 33.0.0

Second column starts here

Kilf..ry / Geo. Church / 120.0.0
Muckinagh / Ex Wm. Coggan / 31.0.0
Knockburr.. / Kiln. Gregory Esq. / 37.0.0
Lissah.. (Lissahane?) / Ex. Richd. Birch / 31.0.0
Finuge & ..ffa.. / Richd. Morris Esq / 101.0.0
East Bal…uricall / James Weir / 29.0.0
West Ba…ical / Cottiers / 44.0.0
Ballycuskey / Exs. Lt Kerry Lynn / 29.0.0
Balintohir / Ex Eugene ? ..gha / 50.0.0
Knockandacurraheane / do./ 6.10.0
…eehan / James Weir / 34.0.0
East do. / Richd. Copply / 28.0.0
Inisbeg / Earl of Shelburne / 24.0.0
Tullymaksherisk / Ex.Thos. Peirse / 33.0.0
Ballinagara / Ex. Jo. Peirse / 30.0.0
Ahabeg / Wm Raymond Esq / 144.0.0
Balinvoher / Thos. Stack & Danl.McDermot?/ 17.0.0
Two Mackinoghs / Richd. Dalrimple / 42.0.0
? Divn. Of Ballincloher / Thos. Stoughton Esq. / 75.14.0
Cloghercanon? / Edm. Oliff / 55.10.0
Gortadrislig / Richd. Sells ? / 26.10.0
Dromroe / Gt. Peirse / 23.0.0
Tullacrimeen / Doctr Jo. Botell / 12.10.0

Denominations column is torn for next entries – start of place names missing

..anal / Jo. Twiss / 23.0.0
.aad / Kerry Lyne Blk / 17.0.0
.h / Ex. Harmon Fitzmaurice / 80.0.0
Jas. Raymond / 96.0.0
Earl of Shelburne / 100.0.0
James Mafon (Mason?) / 91.0.0
..oughtra / Henry Wilson? / 14.10.0
..rquin / John Harnett / 71.0.0
..enny / Wm. Sills / 75.10.0
.. Crosbie / 12.0.0
…uilean? / Do. / 5.0.0
..ano / Exs. of Robt. Hilliard / 32.11.0
.e / Capn. Jno Bolton / 87.0.0
…Fenit / Monitor? Carey / 90.0.0
Outward do. / Owen Sulivan / 51.0.0
F…William / Edmd Cummane / 6.0.0

Denominations column is torn for next entries – centre of some place names is missing

Ol..w/ Timothy Almond / 1.0.0
Ma..se & Custom of
Ardfert Fair / Thos. Parks / 7.10.0
She…ws? / Denis Sheheran? / 0.16.0
HIgg.. / Darby Crean and
Wh..ones / Denis Lawlor / 1.2.0
..Knockaalig / ?. Fitzmaurice / 4.10.0
Kilreany / Wm. Gun Esq. / 4.0.0
Ballyonery? / Jon. Sta..on / 1.0.0/
Gur…insigh / Kn. of Kerry / 0.9.0
Bal..no / do. / 0.3.4
Crat..Garryanna / Richd. Ponsonby Esq / 7.3.8
Bal..? & Balynei.. / ..Trinity College / 6.13.4
Bal.. / Ex of Robt Oliver Esq / 8.0.0
Irr.. (Irramore?) / do. / 0.3.4
Ard… & Ballinprior / Sn Mau:? Crosbie Ard.. / 4.0.0
De…. Lands …. & /
Lis… & Kilcloony / Wm. Raymond Esq. / 100.0.0
The ….rke / Wm Pary / 40.0.0
Gr….iger / Jno. Justice? & Jno. Cooney / 30.0.0
L….lgera / James Weir / 14.0.0

( Flyleaf Blog  Jim Ryan 26 July 2014)

Kay’s Notes

There is a small error here.  It should be the ‘tenants of the Earl of Kerry’.  The Hares, who bought the lands of  Francis Thomas Fitzmaurice 3rd Earl of Kerry in 1782 were not titled Earl of Listowel until 1822..   It is a great resource for anyone researching  early records of   the Barony of  Clanmaurice, Co. Kerry.

It is interesting to see here in 1755 the names of the Landlords/Agents/Middlemen who are so well known to us, one hundred years and more later – e.g. Gun, Raymond, Ponsonby, Crosbie, Trinity College.