Published as a Supplement to the London Gazette February 28 , 1877

MKA Blog London GazetteThis bank was formed as National Bank of Ireland in 1835. It was a joint-stock bank founded by a group of MPs and other gentlemen, including Daniel O’Connell. Frustrated by the exclusivity of the Bank of Ireland (est. 1783), and the English orientation of the Provincial Bank of Ireland (est. 1825), the founders aimed to form a bank both to provide capital for Irish economic development and to serve the needs of small traders and tenant farmers, as well as those of the gentry.

It is interesting to see local farmers, shopkeepers and even the female of the species who held accounts in 1877.  Prominent of course are the nuns and clergy who in most cases were custodians of the funds of their respective organisations.

Note: spelling of names & locations  is as appears in the original document.

Barrett John Bawnbee, Tralee Farmer
Barrett Robert Bridge St., Tralee Grocer
Bowell Mrs Bridget Aghadoe, Killarney
Bowler William Minard, Dingle N.S. Teacher
Brennan Daniel Droumhall, Killarney
Brick William Tralee Merchant
Chute Miss Elizabeth Kilcoleman Glebe
Collis, Miss M.T. Dingle Convent
Connell, Mrs. Ellen Ballyduff, Tralee
Connor, Sidney S.} Killarney
& Elizabeth his wife}
Connor, T.D., Killarney Shopkeeper
Cousins, Miss Margaret} Presentation Convent
& Miss Kate Carroll} Tralee
Crumpe, Miss Lucy Tralee
Crumpe, Francis Tralee M.D.
Curtayne, James D.}
Curtayne, Mrs. Lucy M} Gortroe, Killarney
Davis, Rev. Thomas Sneem P.P.
De Massey, George Natioanl Bank, Listowel
De Massey, Wm. H., National Bank, Killarney
Donovan, Daniel Ballyard, Tralee
Downing, Francis Henry Bridge View, Killarney
Downing, Francis C., Denny St., Tralee Solicitor
Dwyer, James Listowel
Eagar, Miss Anna Rossbeigh
Eagar, John Henry The Terrace, Tralee
Eggleston, Mrs Margaret Listowel
Ferris, William Rattoo, Ballyduff
Forhan, Miss Anne }
Forhan, Miss Mary} Presentation Convent, Dingle
Gaynor Rev.P.A., }
O’Connell Rev. P.A.} Killarney
Griffin, Rev. A.S} Killarney
0’Connor, Rev. Morty} Ballybarion
Moriarty Rt., Rev. David} The Palace, Killarney D.D.
Griffin, Laurence Thomas} Killarney M.D.
Griffin, Rev. A.S.}
McCarthy, Alexander J.} Solicitor
Griffin, Laurence Thomas Killarney M.D.
Hammet, Maria Kenmare
Harold, Richard Castle Island, Tralee
Herbert, Edward Cahirnane, Killarney Major
Haydon, Bernard Muckross, Killarney Agriculturist
Hibberts, Joseph Henry Farrenfore, Killarney
Hill, T.G. Tarbert
Hilliard, Miss G.A. Tralee
Kelleher, John New St., Killarney
Kennedy, Thomas Cloushmore, Dingle
Kenny, Thade Castleisland Salesmaster
Langford, Miss Johanna Rahoona, Ballybunion
Lavan, J.P. Listowel
Leen, Maurice Knockane, Ballyheigue
MacEwen, Rev. James Ballygrennan, Listowel
Mahony, John Ardoughter, Ballyduff
Martin, John Killarney Merchant
Mason, Richard C. Rockville, Tralee
Maybury, Thomas D. 10 Day Place, Tralee M.D.
McCann, Mrs Catherine} Princes Quay, Tralee
McCann, Miss Eleanor}
McCarthy, Alexander J.} Killarney Solicitor
McCarthy, Charles Jun. High St., Killarney
McCarthy, John Listowel Clerk of Union
McCarthy, Richard H. Listowel
McCarthy, William} Tralee
Leahy Patrick H.} Castleisland
Leahy, Maurice P.} Solicitor
MacEwen, Rev. James
MacDermott, O.C. New St., Killarney Apothecary
McGillicuddy, Denis Coolbane, Killorglin
Morgan, Miss Eliza Killarney
Moriarty Rt., Rev. David Killarney D.D.
Moriarty Rt., Rev. David} D.D.
Moriarty, Mrs. Helena} Killarney
Moriarty, Miss Johanna 2, Main St., Killarney
Morris. William Boherbee, Tralee
Murphy, Denis The Kerries, Tralee
Nolan, Martin Castleisland
Nolan, William Castle Island, Tralee M.D.
O’Brien, William Rock St., Tralee
O’Callaghan, Mrs. Bridget New St., Killarney
O’Connell, Miss Ellen Waterview
O’Connell, Rev. John Castle Island Archdeacon P.P.
O’Connell, John Knockane, Listowel
O’Connell, Miss Mary S. Kent Lodge, The Spa, Tralee
O’Connell, Daniel J. High St., Killarney Grocer
O’Connell, Daniel J. &} High St., Killarney Grocer
Mary his wife} High St., Killarney
O’Connor, David Mall, Tralee Draper
O’Connor, James & } Natioanl Bank, Tralee
Mary M. his wife}
O’Connor, John } College St., Killarney
Arthur McGuinness} Hen St., Killarney
O’Connor, Mrs. Honoria Sneem, Kenmare
O’Connor, John College St., Killarney Shopkeeper
O’Connor, Patrick Fives, Farranfore P.P.
O’Farrell, Miss Margaret} Convent of Mercy, Killarney
Cotter, Miss Anne }
O’Farrell, Miss Margaret} Convent of Mercy, Killarney
Bridgeman, Miss M.A.} Conv of Mercy C’town Berehaven
O’Grady, Miss Agens J. The Mall, Tralee
O’Leary, Daniel New St., Killarney
O’Leary, Denis Aghadoe, Killarney Farmer
O’Riordan, Miss Anna} Convent of Mercy, Tralee
Cotter, Miss Anne }
O’Riordan, Miss Anne} Convent of Mercy, Tralee
McCarthy, Miss Margaret}
Danaher, Miss Margaret}
O’Riordan, Miss Anne} Convent of Mercy, Tralee
Barron, Miss Lucy}
McCarthy, Miss Margaret}
O’Rordan, John Charles Killarney
O’Riordan, John C.,} Gortroe, Killarney
Mahony, Daniel } Kenmare
O’Regan, Eugene & } High St., Killarney
Eliza his wife }
O’Regan, Eugene } High St., Killarney
O’Regan, Miss Bridget}
Orpen, Rev. R. De A. Tralee
O’Shea, John Square, Tralee Draper
O’Sullivan, Daniel Butterfield, Farranfore, Killarney Farmer
O’Sullivan, Florence Ballymacquin, Traee
O’Sullivan, John Peter Union Workhouse, Killarney
O’Sullivan, John E. Grour, Killarney Grocer
O’Sullivan, Miss Julia The Convent, Milltown Superioress
Pearce, Miss Anne Bridge St., Tralee
Quill, Mrs. Elizabeth Day Place, Tralee
Reardon, James Killarney
Reidy, Maurice } Killarney Shopkeeper
O’Connor, John } Killarney Shopkeeper
Reidy, Michael R. Tralee
Rice, Justice D. Bushmount, Tralee
Riordan, Miss Ellen M. Tralee
Royston, Miss Susan } St. Joseph’s Convent, Cahirciveen
Doran, Miss Gertrude }
O’Connor, Miss Honoria
Shanahan, Miss Mary } Presentation Convent, Castleisland
Crimmins, Miss Honoria }
Sheehy, Rev. Cornelius The Palace, Killarney P.P.
Stack, Miss Mary } Presentation Convent, Listowel
Martin, Miss Honoria }
O’Connor, Miss Ellen }
Fitzmaurice, Miss Catherine }
Cussen, Miss Catherine }
Stack, Edward James Market St., Listowel
Stack, Patrick Denny St., Tralee Solicitor
Talbot, Mrs. Harriet Churchill, Killarney
Talbot, Mrs. Eliza Killarney
Twomey, Rev. John } Dromtariffe
Griffin, Rev. Arthur S.} Drishane, Co. Cork
Wade, Rev. William D. Kilcoleman, Milltown
Walker, Miss Arabella } Tralee
Walker, Miss Maria }
Walker, Miss Arabella Tralee
Walsh, John Kerries, Tralee Farmer