Names of those who lost their lives in World War 1 compiled by Jim Halpin of Listowel Military Museum from information supplied by Kerry County Archives, Tom Dillon, Ger Kennelly and others. Any information on further names would be appreciated by Jim. (Contact details) or email Abbeydorney (4), Ardfert (5), Asdee/Beale (3), Ballyduff (6), Ballyheigue (3), Ballybunion (7), Ballylongford (5), Brosna/Knocknagoshel (3), Causeway (2), Duagh (9), Kilflynn (2), Lixnaw (11), Listowel (63), Lisselton (6), Lyreacrompane (1), Moyvane/Knockanure (5), Tarbert (12).
Curran Michael, Abbydorney, Age 33, Killed At The Battle Of Jutland 1916, Served With The Royal Navy.
Glavin Patrick J, Abbydorney, Age 29, Killed In France 1917, Served With The North Lancashire Regiment.
Kearney Thomas, Abbeydorney age 29, Lost at sea 1917, Merchant Navy.
McQuinn Patrick Joseph, Abbeydorney, Age 24, Killed In Belgium 1916, Served With The Irish Guards.
Collins Michael, Asdee/ Ballylongford, Age 26, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Dillon Thomas, Beale/Asdee, Age 27, Killed In Belgium 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Healey Martin, Littor/ Asdee age 20, Killed in France 1916, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Mahony Thomas, Ardfert, Age 33, Died At Sea (Hms Monmouth) 1914. Served With The Royal Navy.
Kissane Patrick, Ardfert, Age 19, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Looney Daniel, Ardfert, age 35, Died of wounds at home 1917, served with the Royal Engineers.
Murphy John, Ardfert/Carlow, age 19, Killed in Belgium 1916, Served with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Mc Kenna John, Ardfert, age 27, Killed in France 1916, Served with the Irish Guards.
Ormsby John, Ballybunion, Age 28, Missing In Action 1914, Served With The Irish Guards. “No Known Grave”
Galvin Patrick, Ballybunion, Age 25, Killed In Salonika 1915, Served With The Connaught Rangers.
Kissane Maurice, Ballybunion, Age 24, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Grenadier Guards.
Mcberney John, Ballybunion, Age 28, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Horse Artillery.
O’Boyle William, Gullane House Ballybunion, Age 25, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Irish Guards.
O’Connell Maurice, Ballybunion, Age 27, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Burns James, Ballybunion, Age 30, Killed Battle Of Jutland 1916, Served With The Royal Navy.
Bennett Thomas, Ballyduff, Age 36, Killed Salonika 1917, Served With The Devonshire Regiment.
Dowling P J, Ballyduff /Bishopscourt, Age Unknown Killed In France 1918 Served With The U. S. Army In The 165th (Fighting Irish) Infantry Brigade.
Flynn Bart Naylor, Ballyduff/Bishopscourt, Age 29, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Kearney Thomas Edwin, Ballyduff, Age 35, Died At Sea Coast Guard 1921, Served With Coast Guard U.K.
Lynch Daniel, Ballyduff, Age 29, Killed In Belgium 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Wheelhouse Alfred Faulkner, Ballyduff/U.K. Age 23, Killed At Sea Sinking Of The Lusitania 1915, Served In The Merchantile Navy.
Cahill Thomas F. Brosna/knocknagoshil, age Unknown, killed in Belgium 1918 Served with the U.S. Army.
Leahy Patrick D. Brosna/Knocknagoshil, Age 23, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Irish Regiment.
Galvin Timothy, Brosna/Koncknagoshil, Age 28, Killed In Belgium 1917, Served With The Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Cullen Gerald Somerville Yeats, Ballyheigue, Age 19, killed in France 1917, Served with the Royal Irish fusiliers.
Low James, Ballyheigue, Age 25, killed in France 1915, Served with the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders).
Reidy Michael, Ballyheigue, Age 34, Killed in Beilgum 1915, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Mitchell Michael George, Ballylongford, Age 38, Killed in Belgium 1915, Served with the West Riding Regiment.
Nolan William Craige, Ballylongford, Age 27, Killed in Turkey 1916, Served with the Royal Horse Artilery
O’Halleron John, Ballylongford, Age 30, Killed in France 1916, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
O’Neill Patrick, Ballylongford/Feakle, Age 26, Killed in France 1916, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Roche Frank, Ballylongford, Age 26, Killed in France 1918, Served with the U.S Army
Carroll James, Causeway, Age 35, Lost at sea boat torpedo 1916, Served with the Royal Navy.
O’ Halleron John, Causeway, Age 30, Killed in France 1916, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Casey John Joseph, Duagh, Age 28, Died Of War Illness Australia 1921, Served With The Australian Infantry.
Cronin Patrick J. Duagh, Age unknown, killed in France 1918 served with the U.S. Army.
Dunford Michael, Duagh, Age 34, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Leinster Regiment,
Fauchon Robert, Duagh /Sluicequarter, Age 38, Killed in France 1917, Served with the Royal Fusilier.
Fitzmaurice Maurice, Duagh, Age 38, Killed In Belgium 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Lyons Patrick John, Duagh, Age 35, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Garrison Artillery.
Molyneaux Patrick, Duagh, Age 41, Commonwealthe War Grave Ref. 25 “Rc” 13 Newport Cemetery U.K.
O’ Brien Timothy, Duagh/Kilcara, Age 33, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Sheehy Michael, Duagh /Listowel, Age 43,Killed in Greece 1918, Served with the Royal Garrison Artillery.
Barry John, Knockanure / Moyvane, Age 22, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Irish Guards.
Enright James D, Moyvane, Age unknown, Killed in France 1918, Served with the U.S Army
.Cronin, Edmond Thomas, . Knockanure, Newtownsandes, Age 24: Australian Army Medical Corps. Unit; 1st Australian General Hospital. Date of Death: 07-May-1917. Service No: 4283. Supplementary information; Son of Thomas and Margaret Cronin, of Knockanure, Newtownsandes, Limerick, Ireland.
Stack Martin, Kilbaha, Moyvane 1889 — 1916 Australian Imperial Force Embarkation Roll 1914-1918, 48 Barkly-Street, Footscray,, Victoria. Mother Mary Stack.
Canty Mathew, Kilflynn, Age 29, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Murphy James, Kilflynn/Wexford, Age 35, Killed in France 1918, Served with the royal engineers.
Barry Michael, Listowel, Age 22, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Royal Irish Fusiliers. Blundell William, Listowel, Age 19, Killed In Salonika 1917, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Boyle Thomas, Listowel, Age 28, Killed In Gallipoli 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Brouder John, Clieveragh Listowel, Age 23, Killed In Gallopili 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Bunyan Patrick, Kilmorna Listowel, Age 28, Killed In Belgium 1917, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Byrnes William, Listowel, Age 24, Killed Gallopili 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Canavan James, Convent St. Listowel, Age 50, Died At Sea (S.S. Leinster) 1918, Served With The Munster Fusiliers.
Carmody Edward, Listowel, Age 28, Died At Sea (Ship Translvania) 1917, Served With The Royal Irish Regiment.
Carroll Dennis, Forge Lane Listowel, Age 25, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Chute Arthur, Listowel, Age 30, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers
Chute Chaloner Francis Trevor, Tralee,Listowel, Age 29, Killed in France 1914, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Chute Rowland, Listowel, Age 32, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers
Connor Thomas, Listowel, Age 26, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Horse Artillery.
Daly Dennis, Listowel, Age 26, Died Of Wounds At Home (Listowel) 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusilier.
Dannaher William, Feale View Listowel, Age 21, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Irish Guards.
Dee Michael, Coolard Listowel, Age 28, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Dore John, Clieveragh Listowel, Age 29, Died At Home Of Wounds 1916, Served With The Irish Guards.
Dore Michael, Clieveragh Listowel, Age 26, Killed In Greek Macedonia 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Enright John, Listowel, Age 29, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Enright Thomas Louis, Church St. Listowel, Age 29, Killed In Salonika 1918, Served With The Royal Army Medical Corps.
Foley Richard Henry, Listowel, Age 27, Killed In Belgium 1918, Served With The Royal Inniskellen Fusiliers.
Flavin Peter, Church St. Listowel, Age 16, Killed In Belgium 1916 Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Gibney Bernard, Listowel, Age 28, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Godfery Christopher, Charles St. Listowel, Age 21, Killed In Egypt 1917, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Godfery Patrick, Charles St. Listowel, Age 21, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Greaney James H. Convent St. Listowel, Age 32, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Leinster Regiment.
Greaney Thomas, Listowel, Age 30, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Healy Michael, Charles St. Listowel, Age 48 Killed In India 1917, Served With The Royal Irish Rifles.
Hennessey John, Listowel, Age 33, Killed Belgium 1917, Served With The Leinster Regiment
Hewson Charles, Lysaght Litowel, Age 36, Died At Sea (Ss Abosso) 1917, Served With The Royal Engineers.
Jones William, Listowel, Age 42, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Irish Guards.
Keane James, Listowel/Tralee, Age 33, Killed Gallipoli 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Kelly Francis, Listowel, Age 27, Killed In Belgium 1914, Served With The Irish Guards.
Kelly Patrick, Tullamore Listowel, Age 22, Killed Gallipoli 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Kirby John, Listowel/Liverpool, Age 23 Killed In France 1917, Served With The Liverpool Regiment.
Kitchener H. Horatio. Gunsboro Listowel, Age 65, Killed At Sea 1916, Secretary Of State For War.
Lacy Edward,(Listowel Connection), Age ???, Memorial In Rathas Tralee Died 1917 Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Larkin David, Main St. Listowel, Age 20, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Leahy Patrick, Listowel, Age 53, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Australian Infantry.
Lee Walter James, Convent St. Listowel, Age 30, Date Of Death 1919 Service No. 605. Served With The Leinster Regiment.
Lunney James, Church Street Listowel, Age 27, Killed In Belgium 1915, Served With The Rifle Brigade.
Moore Michael, Listowel/Tipperary, Age 33, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Connaught Rangers.
Murphy Michael, Greenville Listowel, Age 20, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
McAuliffe Michael, Church St. Listowel, Age 28, Killed In Salonika 1916, Served With The Army Cyclist Corp.
McCarthy Michael, Listowel, Age 29, Killed In Mesopotamia 1916, Served With The Connaught Rangers.
McCracken Wilson, Listowel, Age 30, Killed In France 1917, Served With The Seaforth Highlanders
Mc Eligott Paul, Listowel, Age 30, Died In Africa 1917, Served With The Liverpool Regiment.
O’Brien Michael, Listowel, Age 29, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
O’Brien Edward, Listowel, Age 30, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
O’Connor John, William St. Listowel, Age 23, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers
O’Dell William, Ballygologue Listowel, Age 32, Killed In France 1915, Served In The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
O’Riley Thomas A, Listowel/Australia, Age 33, Died Of Wounds 1920 In Australia Served With Australian Tunnelling Corps.
O’Shea Michael, Dromin Listowel, Age 19, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Redman Luke, Listowel, Age 21, Killed In Belgium 1915, Served With The East Kent Regiment
Walsh Daniel, Listowel/Waterford, Age 32, Killed In Egypt 1918, Served With The Royal Irish Regiment.
Stack John, Patrick St Listowel/U.S.A. Age 31, Died Of Wounds France 1918, Served In The U.S Army Machine Gun Corps.
Sullivan John, Listowel, Age 21, Killed In Belgium 1917, Served With The Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
Sullivan John, Listowel, Age 28, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Traynor William, Listowel, Age 24, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Shanahan John, Listowel/N.C.W. Age 42, Killed In France 1915, Served With The South African Regiment.
Stack Edward Paul, Church St. Listowel, Age 20, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Irish Rifles.
Stack Michael, Listowel/Ardfert, Age 29, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Sweeney John, Clounmacon Listowel, Age 40, Killed In France 1915, Served With Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Brennan John, Lisselton, Age 19, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Burke William, Lisselton, Age 24, Killed In Belgium 1917, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Carr James, Kilgarven, Lisselton, Age 40, Killed Egypt 1915, Served With The New Zeland Expiditionary Force.
Collins Patrick, Lisselton, Age 34, Killed in France 1916, Served with the Australian infantry.
Downes Maurice, Lisselton/Listowel, Age 30, Killed in France 1918, Served with the east Yorkshire Regiment.
Mc Connell William Gardiner, Garryard house Lisselton, Age 26, Killed in France 1917, Served with the Royal Army Medical corps.
Coffey Michael, Lixnaw/Abbeydorney, Age 34, Killed In Belgium 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Dineen William, Lixnaw, Age 24, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Machine Gun Corp.
Crowley John, Dromclough Lixnaw, Age 20, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Fitzmaurice Thomas, Lixnaw, Age 21, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers
Fitzmaurice William, Lixnaw, Age 30, Killed In Gallipoli 1915, Served With The Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Hannon Maurice, Lixnaw /Listowel, Age 23, Killed in Belgium 1917, Served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Leahy Jeremiah, Ballygarrett Lixnaw, Age 20, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Leane Michael, Ballyhennesy Lixnaw, Age 37, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Leen Daniel, Garrynagore Lixnaw, Age 19, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Pierce Patrick, Dysart Lixnaw, Age 28, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Sullivan Michael, Lixnaw, Age 27, Died At Home In Buttevant 1917 Served With The Royal Irish Fusiliers
O’Brien Richard, Lyracrompane, Age 35, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers
Donovan John Charles, Tarbert /Belfast, Age 38, Date of death 1920 in France served with the Canadian Railway Troops.
Fitzmaurice William, Tarbert, Age 29, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Hanrahan Timothy, Tarbert/Glin, Killed In France 1914, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Harris Gerald Patrick, Tarbert/Dublin, Age 29, Killed In France 1918, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Hunter John, Tarbert, Age 38, Killed France 1916, Served With The Royal Irish Rifles.
Liston John, Tireclea Tarbert, Age 35, Killed In France 1915, Served With The Irish Guards.
Lynch Michael, Tarbert, Age 19, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Murray Robert, Tarbert, Age 37, Died Of Wounds At Home? U.K/Irl 1915, Served With York And Lancaster Reg.
O’Loughlin E. Carhoona Tarbert, Date of Death 1920 Commonwealth War Graves Ref. 33507.
O’Neill Edmond, Tarbert, Age 26, Killed in France 1918, served with the Royal Munster Fusiliers.
Quinn Desmond H. Tarbert, Age 24, Killed In Greece 1918, Served With The Royal West Surrey Regiment.
Whitaker Thomas, Tarbert, Age 28, Killed In France 1916, Served With The Grenadier Guards.
I’m looking for a photograph of Corporal James Murphy of Kilflynn and Wexford who died on 12/10/1918 in France. His wife’s name was Ellie and they had a daughter.
Contact 0872891691
Margaret, I don’t really know where ou might get a photo of James. If you knew his regiment, they would probably have a photo as part of his record. Would any of his family in Kilflynn (Co. Kerry) have it? Do you know his father’s name, his age or have any other details of the family amd it might be worthwhile trying to find if there are any relatives still living in Kilflynn.