Listowel Tidy Towns wishes to announce publication of

Teampall Ban CoverTeampall Bán & Aspects of the Famine in North Kerry by John D. Pierse

The book records what happened in the Listowel Union area, which comprised the baronies of Iraghticonnor and Clanmaurice during the period 1845-1852. It is a detailed study of many aspect of the Famine which will be of great interest to the general public and  to those interested in  local history, as it contains details relating to every district in the Union area. 

The book has been researched over a period of several years and contains the following information:

  • A Prelude to the Famine (1824)
  • The Potato Failure in North Kerry over successive years
  • Population decrease 1841-1851
  • Counting the dead
  • Teampall Bán/other local graveyards
  • Emigration and transportation
  • The Nuns’ story
  • Famine Relief Commission
  • Conditions in the Workhouse/Fever Hospitals/Work of the Guardians
  • Folklore
  • Detailed subscription lists of 1537 names who subscribed from  North Kerry Parishes
  • 30 Illustrations/Appendices/Bibliography/Index

The book arose out of research into the Famine Graveyard Teampall Bán and the history relating to those who were buried there.  It is a limited hardback edition costing €20.   All Proceeds from the book go to Tidy Towns Listowel.

Further information & book orders: Click here