I was delighted to get a very positive Review from the prestigious Journal of the Society of Australian Genealogists – DESCENT (Sept issue). My focus on writing the book was two fold – to tell people in Kerry about these girls, whom most of us had never heard of. They had been ‘airbrushed’ out of our local history, not for any negative reasons, we were just too tied up with more recent 20th Century Kerry History – the War of Independence, the Civil War etc. My second aim was to tell the Australian descendant’s of the girls, about their life and times in Kerry before they left the workhouses, their home places, the reasons that they ended up in Dingle, Kenmare, Killarney or Listowel Workhouses. I am happy from this Review that the book definitely achieves the latter purpose
Well done Kay, still didnt get to read it even though i have bought it for a few people…